Danbagai Ana’ayi Jennifer

/ Research and Development Executive

Ms. Ana'ayi graduated from Babcock University in Nigeria with a Bachelor's degree in International Law and Diplomacy...

Ms. Ana’ayi graduated from Babcock University in Nigeria with a Bachelor’s degree in International Law and Diplomacy and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Peace-building and Development at the University of Ibadan in Nigeria.

She is presently the team lead for Research and Development at the GOTNI Leadership Centre, Africa’s most prestigious leadership development Centre.

She is a young lady with a passion for research and inNovation, as well as the opportunities that lies in birthing new possibilities. She has a special interest in sustainable development, Global peace and Conflict transformation. She is also very ardent about creating value and making positive impact.

Ms. Ana’ayi is loves to connect with people, share ideas and build new connections.